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How do you feel on Sunday night? Ever have any dread in the pit of your stomach? Does it hit on Sunday night? Sunday afternoon? Earlier? Maybe it doesn't hit until Monday morning. Well, that's not really any better. You've just learned better coping mechanisms for the same problem. You hate Monday. 

I believe everybody should LOVE Monday just like Friday but for a different reason. That reason is that you love what you do so much that you look forward to going to work. Sound crazy? That's what a lot of people think. 

Are you in the wrong job? Probably not, but maybe. It kinda depends on how you got there. It kinda depends on how bad you hate it. It kinda depends on why you stick with it the way it is and considering the way you feel about it.


It's a balance. You're getting something rewarding from your current situation. Is it enough to keep on going?

Consider a typical day. List all the times you feel rewarded, energetic and powerful. Count up the hours spent in those activities. Now, do the same with the activities that leave you feeling drained, frustrated and weak. Add up the hours from this last list and multiply it by 5, and then by 52. That's how many hours a year you're spending doing things you hate. Multiply that last number by the number of years you have left to work. 

Do you want to keep wasting that much of your life on stuff you hate? If your next rationalization is, "Well, that's just how work is, and I've got to work", then, you've given up. If that's good enough to keep you going, I can't help you. If that's not good enough for you, I can absolutely help you.


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